Short-Term Missions Interest Form 2024-25

The Purpose of our Short-Term Missions (STEMS) is to see the kingdom of God advance through effective cross-cultural ministry, to grow relationships with our global partners, and to experience the spiritual growth within our teams.

Our trips are shaped by our partners across the globe, and we hope to be an encouragement and support to their ministries. We also know that these trips can change us as they help remove us from our normal routines and distractions that tend to prevent us from moving toward a deeper dependence on Christ. Concurrently, we get to experience true community with each other and see God's heart for the poor and oppressed of the world.

Do you have a heart for going on or leading a mission trip? Fill out the form below to express that you are interested in finding out more about our yearly mission trips to Clarkston, Peru, Kenya, Greece, and India.  Details about trips can be found below.


Trip Details

  1. Clarkston, Georgia (June 14-20, 2025) Trip cost: $300.  This 7-day trip is designed for youth and families with children (age 6+)  who want to participate in various activities to support this Atlanta refugee community, the most diverse square mile in the U.S. The team will support a day camp which is run by a local church.
  2. Lima, Peru (July 12-21, 2025) Trip Cost: approx. $1850.  This trip is designed for adults and youth, and it will focus on various activities to support the local church and Pat's Place, a shelter for women. Trip activities typically include soccer and frisbee time with kids in the community, building homes for families in the community, and ministering to the families at Pat's Place as well as praying for and sharing the Gospel with local Peruvians.  
  3. Kenya, Africa (August 14-25, 2025): Trip cost: approx. $2500-$3000.  This trip is focused on supporting our 15+ year ministry partner, Vijiji Children's Home of Light. During the trip, the team will love on and play with the many joyous and energetic children of the orphanage and learn about everyday living in Kenya.  We will also work side by side with the house mothers by cooking, cleaning, helping with everyday activities, and doing simple repair projects. This trip will be packed with activities to minister to the staff and children, interaction with locals, and team bonding while experiencing Kenyan culture and wildlife. 
  4. Samos, Greece (Sept 19-28, 2025) Trip Cost: approx. $2400-2800.   This 10-day trip is for students and adults and will be focused on ministering to the African, Afghan, and Arab refugees on the Greek Island of Samos.  The team will be sharing the gospel with these oppressed people groups who may have never encountered a Christian.  We will share God's love through simple programs and hospitality.  There will also be an opportunity to visit historic places in Athens and Ephesus where the Bible will come alive. 
  5. India (Oct 31- Nov 10)  Details will be forthcoming!